Double Rainbow: Sign That We're On the Right Track?

Last night, I went skiing at the fun little Cataloochee Ski Area in Maggie Valley. I almost didn’t go. I had already had a long weekend camping and it was 67 degrees outside—maybe my ski season was just over. But, something compelled me to get in the car and make the drive over for some night skiing, which I have never done once since moving to Asheville 10 years ago. Part of the motivation was that it’s supposed to rain the next two days, taking the meager remaining snow left and possibly wiping it out. But there was something else gently tugging at me to go, and I spent the drive over bopping along to music and smiling.

On my second run, I looked over my should as I was on the ski lift and saw a bright sliver of rainbow. Next to it, a softer, faded version. A double rainbow!!! I haven’t seen many of these firsthand in my life, and it made my heart flutter a bit. But as I skied off the lift and positioned for a selfie with the two rainbows, I felt a lot of joy, peace, and purpose. The rest of the night, when I was on the ski lift, I was jotting down ideas for the rest of the year. I crafted a loose content calendar, outlined my weekly schedule, hashed out some offerings and laid out a monthly focus—called 2024 Disruptor Campaigns—that will help ensure I cover all the topics I feel can help the women entrepreneurs I serve the most.

It was productive. It was low stress. It was fun. And in between these little bits of brainstorming and notetaking, I zoomed down the mountain and had a lot of fun, both on the mountain and when I was typing away on the ski lift. It was a wonderful back and forth between being fully in my body and fully in my mind. I certainly am going to insert more exercise and dance breaks into my daily routine whenever I’m working my brain hard. We push our minds so hard to get tasks done that we fry ourselves. But this physical movement in between planning was just what I needed to unlock some mad genius.

But back to the double rainbow—what does it mean?!? I don’t know the scientific reason nature sometimes gifts us with double rainbows. I don’t know why I happened to catch a glimpse on my second run—by the third, they were gone. All I know is that it felt like the universe was giving me a little treat as if to say, “You got this! Keep going! What you’re doing matters!” I will even go as far to say seeing the double rainbow in that moment sitting on a ski lift that I almost wasn’t on felt special—almost like a thank you or a pat on the back as silly as that may sound.

Another piece to this little puzzle? A friend told me that his friend in San Diego had seen a double rainbow that same morning. Coast to coast double rainbows?! I can’t even begin to make any sense or connection out of that tidbit….

So keep going. Keep looking for those little winks from the universe that you’re on the right track. Move your body especially when you’re working your mind hard. And always, always stop to admire and be grateful for a double rainbow, even if we don’t know what it *really* means.